Not-for-Profit Incorporation

How to Incorporate a Federal Not-for-Profit

What are the steps to incorporate a Federal Non-profit in Canada?

  1. Reserve a name at
  2. Select and reserve a corporate name. Name must not directly conflict with a registered corporation or trademark.
  3. Draft Forms 4001 – Articles of Incorporation and 4002 – Initial Directors and Head Office
  4. Ensure that the corporate purposes, membership classes, disbursement clause, and additional provisions clauses reflect the organization’s long terms plans and needs. If you intend on applying for charitable status, the Articles must be drafted per the CRA requirements so as to qualify for charity status.
  5. Forms 4001 and 4002 must be signed by the Organization’s Directors
  6. Draft Articles of Not-for-Profit Incorporation must be signed before filing for incorporation.
  7. File the Articles for Incorporation
  8. The fee for NFP incorporation is $200.00.
  9. Congratulations! You are now officially Incorporated
  10. Expect to receive the Certificate and registered Articles of Incorporation within 24 hours of submitting the application.

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