Charity Bylaws and Minute Book

Suggested Objects for Professional Business Groups Incorporating as a Not-for-Profit

Trade Association: The establishment and operation of a (type of trade) association for the purposes of
a) promoting and protecting the interests and conserving the rights of those engaged in the (trade) and incidental businesses;
b) promoting uniformity in usage, custom and trade conditions;
c) providing business information and statistics of interest to business persons in the (trade);
d) promoting maintenance and improvement of the qualifications and standards of the (trade); and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

Merchants’ Association: The establishment and operation of a merchants’
association for the purposes of

a) attracting customers to (define locale) and creating an atmosphere which will encourage customers to return;
b) promoting and encouraging fair and courteous dealings with customers;
c) promoting and encouraging ethical business practices; and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.
4. Professional Association: The establishment and operation of a (specify) professional association for the purposes of
a) uniting members of the (specify) profession and protecting the character and status of the profession, promoting ethical practice, settling questions of professional usage and courtesy among members of the profession;
b) maintaining and improving the qualifications and standards of the profession;
c) sharing information for the mutual benefit of the members; and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

Businessmen / Women: The establishment and operation of a businessmen/women’s club for the purposes of promoting fellowship among people in business in the (sector/location), and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

Professional Association: The establishment and operation of a (specify) professional association for the purposes of
a) uniting members of the (specify) profession and promoting the protection of their character and status of the profession;
b) promoting ethical practice, settling questions of professional usage and courtesy among members of the profession;
c) promoting maintenance and improvement of the qualifications and standards of the profession;
d) sharing information for the mutual benefit of the members; and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

Employees: The establishment and operation of an employees’ association for the
purposes of
a) promoting the interests and well-being of the employees of _________________;
b) organizing cultural, educational and recreational events for the benefit of the members;
c) providing for the welfare of the employees and former employees of __________ and their dependants, by grants of money, pensions and insurance; and such other complementary purposes not inconsistent with these objects.

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