Charity Governance

Future ONCA Changes to Consider in Drafting or Revising New Bylaws

What important ONCA changes will be required in the future?

There are 3 important ONCA changes that are important and should be considered when drafting or revising Ontario NFP bylaws.

1. Non-voting members will gain certain voting rights. Note however that this right will be delayed to at least 3 years after the ONCA takes effect.

2. Each class of voters will have a collective veto on important decisions. Note that this too will be delayed to at least 3 years after the ONCA takes effect.

3. Nonprofits will no longer have to give their members proxy voting rights, unless your bylaws say so. Bylaws may provide that only members are allowed to be proxies.  Also, not-for-profit bylaws can provide for mail-in or electronic voting if you wish.

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