3 Steps to Ensure Your Not-for-Profit's Compliance to ONCA

Navigating the transition to ONCA may appear overwhelming, yet breaking it down into manageable steps can streamline the entire process. This post outlines three key steps to ensure your nonprofit complies with ONCA.

  1. Understand the Changes: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the key aspects of ONCA and how they differ from the current regulations.
  2. Review and Update Documents: Examine your organization's bylaws, Letters Patent, and other governing documents. Update them to ensure they align with ONCA requirements.
  3. Educate Your Team: Make sure that everyone in your organization, from the board members to the staff, understands the changes and how they impact their roles and responsibilities.

By following these steps, your nonprofit can smoothly transition to the new regulations under ONCA, ensuring legal compliance and operational efficiency.

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